Welcome to the Limestone Jolly Boat

This site will never float

A chocolate teapot is useless as tea would melt the chocolate. A limestone jolly boat is useless because... you are welcome to try one.

The purpose of this site is just for me to collect random things for myself, including HTML and CSS examples. The River Loddon depth at Dinton pastures might be of use to some people though.

The Depth of the River Loddon at Dinton Pastures.

Some observations on the footpath along the River Loddon as it passes Dinton Pastuires. Mostly relating to if the path is flooded or passable.

The Path along side the River Loddon at Dinton Pastures - mostly to the south of the arched bridge.

Places around here

Dinton Pastures Country Park according to Wikipeadia .

Hurst is north of Wokingham, but to the side of the main road. Hurst in Berkshire according to Wikipeadia .

Winnersh on the Wokingham-Reading main road. Winnersh according to Wikipeadia .


Views on tiramisu coming soon.

Tiramisu is available locally.