The depth of the River Loddon referred to here is that as measured at Sindlesham Mill - the nearest measuring station we have. Since this is not at Dinton Pastures itself there will be differences, depending on if the River is rising or Falling, in how the Loddon looks. Observation Locations Locations of the Photos (PNG map) showing the "329M" bridge circled. OpenStreetMap of DinTon Pastures - marker on the "arched bridge" "Arched Bridge" or "meadow bridge: the bridge over the loddon from the path immediately to the south of White swan lake to the west bank paved path. "Bader Way Bridge": appears as an underpass, its south of the Arched Bridge and currently has a star-wars picture which is handy for comparison and rather good. I think this is the lowest part of my route. "Colemans More Bridge": A wooden bridge south of the Badar Way bridge, where you can cross between the paved [path on the west and the mud/gravel path on the east bank. "A329M bridge": The A329M bridge immediately before the Railway bridge.
Loddon Depth 0.65m measured at Sindlesham Mill Observation Date: 2024-01-02 07:00 Over the stones under the A329 flyover, but a narrow passable dry strip remains. The rest of the route is above water in all places. so you can walk under Bader Way, along the path etc easilly. Under the A329 there is only a narrow dry path left above the river.
Loddon Depth 0.78m rising Observation Date: 2024-01-03 08:00 Full size wellies only. Passable with care. The lowest point of the path we use is under the Bader Way amd here you can see the River has crossed the path. Under Bader Way the river has gone over thge path completely but can strill be passed easilly in wellies.
0.78m rising again Observation Date: 2024-01-05 08:00 Full size wellies only. Passable with care. The river dipped slightly but is now rising again and the ground is saturated. There are several places where you would get wet feet, but the route is navagable in wellies. The path alongside the Loddon after tthe arched bridge is underwater for most of its length. Under the Bader Way bridge the water is especailly high and needs wellies. Between the A329M bridge and wooden bridge is mostly underwater (and mostly unsurfaced so mud under a foot of water). Approching Bader Way Bridge from the North - the path goes underwater under the bridge but is passable in wellies. The path (which is gravel + mud, not tarmac) approching the A329M is underwater in places.. There is water under the A329M bridge - wellies needed but its not too much..
1.11m Observation Date: 2024-01-06 08:00 Wellies not enough. Didn't explore much of the path. Today we didn't follow the usual route at all as it was clearly underwater. A walk around Dinton Pastures was mostly above water except for alongside the river Loddon. There was a short section at the north west of Black Swan lake where the lake was flowing out into a ditch and towards the Emmbrook, but otherwise was passable. To the north west of White Swan it was more then welly height alongside the Ricer and on approch to the river. The car-park at the showcase cimema was largely underwater and the main traffic roundabout was partially closed later on in the day. Screenshot of the Loddon height, showing the height of 1.11m and that we appear to be at the top of a curve Arched Bridge Near Colemansmoor Lanein Flood conditions only a tiny gap left
0.54m falling Observation Date: 2024-01-09 06:45 After large amounts of flooding closed the path the waters are now dropping and the path can be used. Either wellies or hicking boots and ancle length and some care are neded. At the water has been so high recently the water is now running back into the river from the meadon on the section of path between the Medow bridge and the Badfer way Bridge, so wellies are required more than the depth implies. Screenshot of the Loddon height, showing recent changes and that is it falling. The path is still under some water following floods
0.53m Normal conditions - after high flood levels Observation Date: 2024-01-09 06:45 After large amounts of flooding closed the path the waters are now dropping and the path can be used. Either wellies or hicking boots and ancle length and some care are neded. At the water has been so high recently the water is now running back into the river from the meadon on the section of path between the Medow bridge and the Badfer way Bridge, so wellies are required more than the depth implies. Screenshot of the Loddon height, showing recent changes and that is it falling. The path is still under some water followingf floods
0.54m Rising - Normal conditions - paths all clear Observation Date: 2024-01-23 08:00 After a few weeks of the river being below the high water line at Sindlesham, its now rising after a couple of days of rain and has just gone over only at the Bader Way bridge. The path I use is entirely above water. Today is interesting only because the water has come up onto the grass by a cm or so. So Im nting that 0.54cm is the first depth the grass gets damp. River under Bader Way reaches the Star Wars Mural
0.68m Rising quickly Observation Date: 2024-02-09 07:45 Water is rising quickly at this point, but the paths are still not under the Loddon. The paths alongside the Loddon are sometimes in very deep pudd;led due to the overnight rain but not the river. Narrow path above the river under the A329M bridge but puddles require waterproof footwear. Graph showing Loddon height rising steeply. Around the Bader Way Bridge. Around the Bader Way Bridge. Around the Wooden Bridge Way Bridge. View from wooden Bridge. Under the A329M.
0.74m Rising quickly MORNING Observation Date: 2024-02-23 08:15 Water is rising quickly at this point, but the paths are still not under the Loddon. . Narrow path above the river under the A329M bridge but puddles require waterproof footwear. Under A329M path clear. Under the Bader Way Bridge showing path safe.
0.74m RISING2 - EVENING Observation Date: 2024-02-23 17:45 Water is rising quickly at this point, and the paths are now under the waters of the River Loddon. Graph showing Loddon height rising steeply. Around the Bader Way Bridge towards star-wars image Under the Bader Way Bridge showing dept over my feet.
0.52m RISING - MORNING Observation Date: 2024-11-25 08:15 Water is rising quickly at this point, but the paths are still not under the Loddon. The paths alongside the Loddon are sometimes in very deep puddles due to the overnight rain but not an overflowing river. Narrow path above the river under the A329M bridge but puddles require waterproof footwear. Graph showing Loddon height rising steeply, though only at 0.52 meters when we visited. Under the Bader Way Bridge, barely out of its banks. Under the Bader Way Bridge, barely out of its banks, seen from a slight distance.
0.86m RISING - MORNING Observation Date: 2024-11-26 07:50 Water is has been rising quickly since yesterday morning. The Sindlesham Mill gauge shows 0.85 which we expected to be unpassable so did not plan to walk the full usual route. Its handy having my pictures here to check against. Approching from Dinton main area, over the Motimer Meadow bridge we didn't go very far till the water was flowing quickly over the path (into the river - so it was leaving brobably by th Bader Way bridge and flowing over the meadows to re-join here.). Graph showing Loddon height is very high at 0.86 meters when we visited. Water is getting close to the Motimer Meadow Bridge. Not far from ther Motimer Meadow Bridge moving towards the Bader Way Bridge, the path becomes underwater with an obvious flow.. The flow was obvious at this stretch and we decided based on that , and the river level readings not to continue...
0.77m FALLING - MORNING Observation Date: 2024-11-29 09:00 The river hight recently started dropping since reaching a high (about 9pm last night). The Sindlesham Mill gauge shows 0.77 around the time of these images. We didn't expect this river to be passable and took some phots from differnt locations to normal - the walk was to another place today anyway. Approching from the Showcase Cineama towards Dinton main area, we were first wading under the 329M just beding the cineama car park. The water came to within 5 or so cm of the top of adult wellies. The water height at sindlesham mill was at graph shows water at 9.00apm was 0.77m, the time of this walk. Showcase carpark showing current state of flooding. The fence in the distance is next to the usual footpath we use which is submerged, then the red-painted pillar is at the other side of the river and the water continues towards us here. Under the Bader Way bridge from a bit further back than usual, showing the spread of the water that is flowing accross the path and into the meadows..
0.73m FALLING - EVENING Observation Date: 2024-11-29 17:15 has been dropping over the day. The Sindlesham Mill gauge shows 0.73 which we expected to be passable only in wellies, and set off in the dark for an evening explore. Approching from the Showcase Cineama towards Dinton main area, we were first wading under the 329M just beding the cineama car park. The water came to within 5 or so cm of the top of adult wellies. The water height at sindlesham mill was at graph shows water at 5.15pm was 0.73m, the time of this walk - though it has dropped to 0.70 by the time this photo was taken Under thre A329M bridge. Wading only fill adult wellies. We waded from the A329Bridge towards the bridge over near ColemansMoor Road. Some of the central section was dry but we were wading again by the time we reached the bridge. This is the old star-wars bridge. Bader way bridge is underwater and required adult wellies to the past.
0.75m RISING - MORNING Observation Date: 2025-02-25 08:00 The river height has been climbing for a while. The Sindlesham Mill gauge shows 0.75 which we expected to be passable only in wellies, but the water was not as high as expected. I imagine this is because it is climbing fast and will soon be much higher based on other readings I've collected here. Coming from Dinton Pastures over the Mortimer Meadow bridge we only met a few puddles before the Bader Way bridge (formally of Start Wars image) and even then it barely came over the wellie feet. The water height at sindlesham mill was at graph shows water at 7.20pm was 0.75m, the time of this walk - adn rising fast. The water height at sindlesham mill was at graph shows water at 7.20pm was 0.75m, the time of this walk - adn rising fast. This is the old star-wars bridge. Bader way bridge is underwater with water just over ankle height. This is the old star-wars bridge. Bader way bridge is underwater only a small problem for walkers in wellington boots. Under the A329M bridge. Passable in wellies - just over the feet.. The water is well over under the A329M but only just over the feet.